10 ways to be adored when landing a lord
10 ways to be adored when landing a lord

10 ways to be adored when landing a lord

“And how is it that we became betrothed, Mr. Of course, she had learned long ago that the men of her father’s acquaintance were rarely men of intellect. Isabel made a mental note to savor the unfortunate name at a later time. He paused, clearly unhappy with the idea that she had not been paying attention.

10 ways to be adored when landing a lord

“Indeed,” he drawled, the word coiling between them in the suddenly too-small room. He smiled, the expression empty and unattractive. “And would you mind repeating that last bit?” Surely she had misunderstood the words that had tripped from the tongue of this most unwelcome visitor. She narrowed her gaze on the pale, reedy man standing before her. Lady Isabel Townsend stood in the shabby receiving room of the only home she had ever known, and willed the roaring in her ears to subside. We humbly present, Lessons in Landing a Lord. With so many unmarried ladies in our fair city so unfortunately shaded from the brilliant sunshine of wedded bliss, ‘tis nothing short of criminal that these promising young buds might never have the opportunity to blossom! And so, Dear Reader, it is in the interest of public service that we have compiled a list of time-tested solutions, oft proven to simplify the most daunting of tasks-that of securing a husband.

10 ways to be adored when landing a lord

It cannot be denied that there is a veritable epidemic spreading among the young ladies of London-a tragic reality that ends in nothing but the very worst possible scenario.

10 ways to be adored when landing a lord